Overview #
The manage appointments iframe enables patients to navigate their medical journey.
View Upcoming and Previous appointments #
Patients can view upcoming appointments and, if necessary, cancel them.
Appointment Details #
Patients have access to a detailed record of past appointments, including consultation notes and any issued documents such as referrals or sick notes in PDF format.
Loading a specific appointment #
To load the details of a specific appointment within the manage appointments iframe, partners can pass the appointment ID in the iframe URL, as demonstrated in the following code sample. This allows for a targeted display of appointment details, offering users a focused view tailored to a specific appointment. Partners can retrieve the appointment ID for a patient through webhook appointment updates.
<iframe id="emed-appointment-management" src="https://embed-uk.preprod.babylontech.co.uk/partners/clinical-records/appointments/PATIENT_APPOINTMENT_ID#id_token=CHANGE_ME" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1" scrolling="auto" allow="camera *; microphone *"></iframe>